Application Code Security Scanner for MyTutor I implemented Trivy scanning for the MyTutor application code. Trivy scans for:
Developer at FireTech – Kiosk Student Registration System To enhance child safety during courses, I developed a student registration system for FireTech. This system, designed to run in kiosk mode in a browser or compiled into a native Android app using Apache Cordova. It featured:
Senior WordPress Developer at FireTech In my role as a senior software developer at FireTech, my responsibilities were:
PHP/ColdFusion Developer at Zonal My responsibilities encompassed PHP and Adobe ColdFusion development, focusing on implementing new features, planning development initiatives, and resolving issues through bug fixing.
Refactor Plusnet BACS Billing for Plusnet The first task was to gain a deep understanding of the existing legacy system and produce detailed documentation.
Plusnet GDPR At Plusnet, I was lead developer in the Agile-based Plusnet GDPR Team, where my responsibilities included:
Incommunities Development Environment This server became my primary development tool throughout my contract and was subsequently adopted by the resident development team.