OPCON Production Control System

I designed a resilient three-node cluster spread across two data centres, each with separate power and communication links to the production facility. This setup ensured that the plant could be operated from either data center in the event of a hardware, power, or network outage.

OpenVMS Programming

These projects focused on crucial system maintenance tasks such as backup and restore operations, startup and shutdown procedures, printer and batch queue management, and user administration.

Mercia Servers

One of our initial tasks was to build and configure web, FTP, Usenet, and mail servers, each running on Linux-based PCs. This project required me to familiarise myself with early versions of many GNU and open-source packages, including Sendmail, WU-FTP, and Apache.

Expert System Shell

For my HND project, I developed an expert system inference engine intended for an IBM PC, utilizing C programming. Initially, I implemented all algorithms on my BBC Micro using BBC Basic, which was accessible at home. Once I verified the logic, I translated the code to C for my final year project. Following successful completion…